Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Thickening broth with gelatin forms a thicker, glossier, far more stable emulsion than a standard pan sauce.
  • Soy sauce adds a big umami boost to the sauce.
  • A thermometer ensures that your chicken comes out perfectly moist with crisp skin every time.

Last week, as I drizzled a bit of rich golden brown, glossy, smoothly emulsified and fragrant pan sauce on top of my crisply seared and juicy pan-roasted chicken breast, I thought back to the first time I ever tried to make a pan sauce and the epic failure it produced.

It was a white wine and thyme number. Okay, I thought to myself, so I just cook this chicken, then I add stock and wine to the pan, scrape up the browned bits, cook it down, stir in some butter, and I'm done, right? That's easy! The guests were in the dining room, I was in the kitchen, the chicken was overcooked, I had a wonderful amount of fond—that's the layer of flavorful browned proteins that get stuck to your pan after you sear meat—and I had a can of Star Market's generic-label chicken stock open and ready.

You can probably guess what happened next. I added a splash of Two Buck Chuck and the canned chicken stock, scraping up the browned bits dutifully as I was instructed to before adding a few thyme sprigs and letting the whole thing reduce, waiting patiently for it to start to thicken up and look glossy like I'd been promised it would in the fancy French cookbooks I was reading at the time. The stock reduced, reduced, and reduced some more until it was down to just a couple of tablespoons. Yet those tablespoons were just as thin and watery as the liquid was when I started.

Am I done yet? I thought to myself. I reached for a spoon and took a little sip of what was in the pan before immediately spitting it out and reaching for a glass of water. It was so darn salty! Maybe this is right, I tried to convince myself. Maybe the butter will make everything better. Yeah, that's it. Butter makes things better. I swirled in two pats of butter, trying my best to get them to emulsify into the sauce as I was promised they would. What I ended up with was a half-emulsified, overly salty, greasy sauce with terrible flavor. I dumped it in the trash and served that chicken with a drizzle of olive oil instead.

It wasn't until I got my first gig cooking in restaurants that it really struck me exactly what a pan sauce is supposed to taste like. These sauces were rich and smooth! They were glossy and brightly flavored and stuck to the meat, leaving a streak of white plate that slowly closed as you swiped each bite through it. They had just the right level of salt and an intensely meaty aroma with not a hint of excess greasiness. These sauces were exquisitely simple and extraordinarily tasty.

So what was it that made the difference? What does a restaurant kitchen have that I was missing back in my college days? Well there's the obvious: In a restaurant, you're starting with flavor-packed homemade stock whereas at home, most folks are using store-bought stock. Reducing good stock gives you concentrated good flavor while reducing bad stock gives you concentrated bad flavor. But even starting with a decent store-bought stock* (I use either Swanson organic chicken broth or low-sodium Imagine organic), achieving decent flavor is a possibility, but getting that glossy, rich, non-greasy texture is very difficult. Why is that?

*Even for a person like me, whose job it is to cook every day, making my own stock is not a regular occurrence and I rely on Tetra-paks of store-bought low-sodium chicken stock for my day-to-day needs.

It all comes down to two factors: gelatin and heat.

The Science of Emulsions: Pan Sauce Basics

See, a pan sauce is essentially a butter and water emulsion. Sure, there are trace amounts of other things in there that give it flavor, aroma, and brightness, but that rich, mouth-coating texture? The creamy body it gets? That's from the emulsion.

Forming a butterfat-in-water emulsion is not as easy as just melting butter and water together. As we all know, emulsions are a just-barely-stable mixture of two things that really shouldn't get along under normal circ*mstances. In this case, water (broth and wine are essentially water), and fat. See, fat molecules really hate water and they'll naturally try to limit their exposure to water as much as possible.

Imagine fat molecules as a big ol' group of wildebeest and water as the largest pride of lions in the world. I'm talking thousands of lions. Put those wildebeest and lions together on the big African veldt, and the first thing that's going to happen is those wildebeest are going to group together, each one scrambling to get into the center of the group and away from the lions. This is exactly what happens when you add fat to water. Fat molecules have a tendency to seek each other out and cling to each other, coalescing into larger and larger droplets until eventually you end up with a single greasy slick of fat floating on top of the water.

Now say we were to take that herd of wildebeest and rather than having them start out as a single herd, we airdrop them one by one into a field of lions. As each wildebeest lands, it gets surrounded by lions, making it very difficult for them to ever find each other and form a herd. Similarly, if we can separate the fat down to essentially individual molecules and surround each one with water, we can form a rather stable mixture that doesn't end up turning into that greasy slick. At least not in the time it takes us to eat it.

A side effect of a stable emulsion is that the whole thing ends up thicker than either constituent on its own, as water molecules have more trouble flowing now that they're hampered by tiny droplets of dispersed fat.

The problem is, even with very, very vigorous whisking, it's difficult to actually get those fat molecules small enough to form a stable emulsion. To get there, you need a bit more help, which takes us to the gelatin.

Restaurant stocks are rich with gelatin that are extracted from the bones they're made with. Gelatin is a protein that forms a very loose, flexible matrix inside an aqueous solution, lightly thickening it. It's this thickening that is really key to stronger emulsions. Going back to our wildebeest, imagine now that we were to flood the entire veldt with water, turning the dry grass into a muddy swamp that prevents both the wildebeest and the lions from moving at full speed.

If we can now separate the wildebeest mob into individuals, it'll take much longer for them to regroup into a solid herd.

Thickeners will physically impede fat molecules from coalescing, giving pan sauces long-lasting stability.

The other factor a restaurant kitchen has going for it is the intense heat of a restaurant burner. Intense heat means intensely violent bubbling in the skillet. It's those bubbles that end up doing all of the whisking and churning for you. While at home I might need to vigorously whisk butter into a pan of stock to start a good emulsion, at a restaurant I can drop my butter right into the pan, crank the heat to max, and let it rip until the sauce is formed.

Bringing It Home: Recreating a Rich Restaurant Stock

So what's a home cook starting with store-bought stock to do? You have a couple of options, and both of them involve adding just a tiny, tiny bit of thickener to help keep your emulsion stable.

The first is my usual go-to technique: just toss your butter cubes in a bit of cornstarch.

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (1)

Just that tiny amount of cornstarch that clings to the butter's surface is enough to gently thicken your stock as it simmers, giving you a creamy, rich, and glossy sauce at the end.

The second method is one I've been experimenting with recently, and may well become the standard at my house. Since it's gelatin the stock is missing, why not just add some directly? By sprinkling the gelatin over the stock and letting it hydrate while I'm cooking my chicken, it doesn't even add any extra time to a typical recipe!

Chicken Breast and White Wine-Fines Herbes Pan Sauce, Step-by-Step

With those two solutions under our belt, the rest is straightforward.

Step 1: Sprinkle Gelatin

First things first: I combine my liquid elements (in this case stock and wine) in a glass measuring cup and sprinkle on some gelatin to get it started with the hydration process.

Step 2: Gather Ingredients

Next, I collect my other ingredients.

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (2)

Pan sauces come in a huge range of flavors (stay tuned for more in the coming weeks!), but the basic elements are always the same:

  • Element 1: Sautéed aromatics. Ingredients that hit the pan first and are generally cooked in a bit of fat before adding the remaining ingredients. This often includes alliums like garlic, shallots, and onions, and can also include spices that need blooming or toasting.
  • Element 2: Your liquid. Broth or stock are the start of nearly every pan sauce. Oftentimes wine or another alcohol-based liquid will be added as well for complexity and brightness.
  • Element 3: Butter. Butter is added after your liquid has reduced and concentrated in flavor. Butter helps round out the sharp edges of the flavor while also thickening the sauce to a creamy consistency (assuming you get a good emulsion, which, using these techniques, you will!)
  • Element 4: Finishing flavors. These are the things that go in right at the end. Fresh herbs, a squeeze of lemon juice if the sauce needs acid, and for me, a splash of soy sauce or fish sauce because umami.

And that's about it. In this case, my liquid is chicken broth and white wine, my aromatics are shallots and garlic, and my finishing flavors are fines herbes (a mixture of parsley, tarragon, chervil, and chives), and a splash of soy sauce. The rest is just technique.

Step 3: Season Chicken

This style of pan sauce will work whether you're cooking poultry, red meat, or pork, but today I'm starting with a couple of airline chicken breasts (see the link for a demo on how to cut these from a whole chicken).

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (3)

Season the chicken breasts generously on both sides with salt and pepper.

Step 4: Sear Chicken

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (4)

Heat up a drizzle of canola or olive oil in a heavy oven-proof skillet over high heat until smoking hot, then gently lay your chicken into the pan, skin side down. Let it cook without moving it for a good five minutes before you start peeking underneath by gently lifting with a thin metal spatula. If the chicken doesn't release easily, then let it keep cooking. When it's ready to be flipped, it should come up with little to no struggle.

Deep, deep golden brown and ridiculous crisp surface is what we're after here.

Step 5: Flip Chicken

Once you're there, flip the chicken over skin side up.

Step 6: Finish in the Oven

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (5)

Transfer the entire skillet to a hot oven and let the chicken continue to cook until finished. How do you know it's finished? Because you own one of these nifty digital instant-read thermometers, right?

As soon as that chicken hits around 150°F, you're good to go.

For the record, cooking your chicken all the way to 165°F per USDA instructions is a surefire way to get dry, stringy results. So long as your chicken hits 150°F and rests long enough outside the pan before eating, it is perfectly safe.

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (6)

Transfer the chicken to a cutting board and set it aside.

Step 7: Add Aromatics

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (7)

While the chicken rests, it's time to start the pan sauce. First step: Drain off all but a bit of the fat from the chicken, place the pan back on the stovetop, and add your aromatics (shallots and garlic in this case), stirring and shaking them until fragrant, just about 30 seconds. (Be careful not to let them burn—you want your stock close by to add it to the pan and halt cooking as soon as those aromatics are fragrant).

Step 8: Add Stock and Wine, and Scrape!

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (8)

As soon as your shallots and garlic hit that sweet spot, hit the whole pan with the stock/wine/gelatin mixture you set aside earlier. While it's true that for pot roasts, braises, and other high-volume projects you should reduce your wine before adding other liquids, for a quick and easy pan sauce like this, you end up reducing the liquid so much anyway that a bit of excess alcohol isn't going to hurt anything. Just go ahead and add it all at once.

Scrape up any browned bits with a wooden spoon, incorporating them into the liquid.

Step 9: Reduce

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (9)

Next, reduce that mixture until it starts to thicken (you can tell by the density and size of the bubbles that form—the bubbles will get larger as the sauce reduces. At a restaurant, this takes a minute or so. At home, it'll probably take closer to six or seven.

Step 10: Add Butter and Soy Sauce

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (10)

Once you hit the medium-to-large bubble mark (your liquid should be reduced to about 1/3 its original volume), add butter and a splash of soy sauce, stirring the butter in with a wooden spoon or a whisk and shaking the pan vigorously as it melts.

Step 11: Add Finishing Herbs

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (11)

Add your herbs and stir them in. If your sauce needs a touch of brightness, now would be a good time to add lemon juice (sauces that start with a bright white wine typically don't need the added lemon juice).

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (12)

When your sauce is ready, it should form clearly visible streaks that slowly close when you drag a spoon through it. If not, keep on reducing!

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (13)

Once it's hit this consistency, season to taste with salt and pepper. There's a good chance that your sauce might over-reduce while you're slicing your chicken. If it does, just reheat it with another splash of stock or water to thin it to the right consistency.

Step 12: Slice Your Chicken

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (14)

I like to slice my airline chicken breasts on a sharp bias so that I can fan out the pieces. This is partly for presentation, and also partly so I can pat myself on the back in the kitchen for nailing that perfect firm-yet-juicy texture (really it's the thermometer I should be patting).

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (15)

See how juicy and crispy it is? It's almost good enough to eat on its own. Almost.

But man, is it better with some of that sauce thrown into the mix. For a simple weeknight meal, it's pretty tough to beat a juicy pan-roasted chicken breast with pan sauce and a nice simple salad (vinaigrettes are a whole other emulsion worth learning about!).

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (16)

I very strongly believe that anyone who dislikes chicken or just finds it plain boring has simply never had good chicken. Just look at that and tell me you'd rather be eating a steak or a pork chop. I dare you. I double dare you.

Yeah, I thought so.

Recipe Details

Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe

Active20 mins

Total30 mins

Serves2to 3 servings


  • 2 wholeairline chicken breastsor boneless skin-on chicken breasts (6 to 8 ounces each)

  • Diamond Crystal kosher salt (see notes) and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 tablespoon canola oil

  • 1/2 cup dry white wine

  • 1/2 cuphomemadeor store-bought low-sodium chicken stock

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons powdered gelatin

  • 1 small shallot, minced (about 1 tablespoon)

  • 1 medium clove garlic, minced (about 1 teaspoon)

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoonminced fresh chives

  • 1 tablespoon mincedfresh parsley leaves

  • 1 tablespoon mincedfresh tarragon leaves

  • 1 tablespoon minced freshchervil (optional)


  1. Adjust oven rack to center position and preheat oven to 450°F. Pat chicken breasts dry and season generously with salt and pepper. Heat oil in an oven-safe medium stainless steel skillet over high heat until just starting to smoke. Carefully lay chicken breasts into hot skillet skin side down. Cook without moving until skin is deep golden brown and very crisp, about 6 minutes. Carefully flip chicken breasts and transfer skillet to the oven.

    Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (17)

  2. While chicken roasts, combine wine and stock in a liquid measuring cup and sprinkle gelatin over the top. Set aside.

    Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (18)

  3. Cook chicken until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the chicken breasts registers 150°F, about 7 to 12 minutes. Remove skillet from oven and transfer chicken to a cutting board. Set aside to rest while you make the pan sauce.

    Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (19)

  4. Pour off all but 1 tablespoon of fat from the skillet and place over high heat. Add shallots and garlic and cook, stirring, until softened and fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add wine/stock mixture and cook, scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. Continue cooking on high heat until sauce is reduced by about two-thirds, 5 to 8 minutes. Stir in butter and soy sauce and cook at a hard boil until emulsified, about 30 seconds. Remove from heat and set aside.

    Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (20)

  5. Slice chicken breasts into three pieces on a sharp bias and transfer to individual serving plates. Stir herbs into the pan sauce. Taste sauce and season with salt and pepper. Spoon sauce over the chicken and serve immediately.

    Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (21)

Special Equipment

Oven-safe 10-inch skillet


If using a different brand or type of salt, be sure to use the weight measurement, not the volume measurement.

Read More

  • Just Add Water: How to Make a Pan Sauce, and How to Fix a Broken One
  • Chicken Breast
  • French
  • Gluten-free Mains
  • Stovetop Chicken
  • Chicken Mains
Easy Pan-Roasted Chicken Breasts With White Wine and Fines Herbes Pan Sauce Recipe (2024)


How to cook chicken breast so they are tender and juicy? ›

  1. Flatten the chicken breasts. ...
  2. Season the chicken breasts. ...
  3. Heat the pan. ...
  4. Cook the chicken breasts over medium heat for 1 minute without moving. ...
  5. Flip the chicken breasts. ...
  6. Turn the heat down to low. ...
  7. Cover the pan and cook on low for 10 minutes. ...
  8. Turn off the heat and let sit for an additional 10 minutes.

How long does it take to cook chicken breast in a pan? ›

Heat the oil in a frying pan then add the chicken breasts (skin-side down, if they have skin) and cook for 2-3 minutes or until browned. Then turn over, cover and cook on the other side for 7-8 minutes or until cooked through.

Is it better to pan sear or bake chicken breast? ›

What Is The Best Way To Cook A Chicken Breast? Cooking a boneless and skinless chicken breast in a hot cast iron pan is by far the easiest and most tasty way to cook the breast. You are far less likely to overcook the chicken breast compared to baking it in the oven or poaching it in water.

How long to cook chicken breast in the oven at 350 degrees? ›

Thaw frozen chicken slowly in your refrigerator, or thaw it faster by putting it in a leak-proof package or plastic bag and submerging in cold tap water. Bake a 4-oz. chicken breast at 350°F (177˚C) for 25 to 30 minutes. Use a meat thermometer to check that the internal temperature is 165˚F (74˚C).

Is it better to bake chicken at 350 or 400? ›

Given the fact that drumsticks and thighs are dark meat and won't dry out as easily as breasts, the range from 350 to 450 degrees is okay for baking them. 350 to 375 is generally best for breasts. The best answer to these questions? Simply check the chicken for doneness using an instant read thermometer.

Should I cover chicken breast with foil when baking? ›

When chicken is covered while baking, it traps steam and moisture within the dish, resulting in juicier results. The covering helps prevent excessive evaporation and keeps the chicken moist throughout the cooking process. Preventing dryness. Chicken tends to dry out more quickly when exposed to direct heat.

Should you cover chicken when cooking in pan? ›

As the chicken cooks, cover the pan with a lid to trap the heat. This helps render the fat and water from the chicken for a crisp crust and evenly cooked meat.

What is the best pan for baking chicken breast? ›

While metal pans might work well for thin, crispy chicken cutlets because of how quickly they heat up, we prefer porcelain for baked chicken—as well as lasagnas, bread puddings, and casseroles—because they heat up more slowly, and distribute that heat evenly throughout the dish.

Do you put oil in a pan when cooking chicken breast? ›

Pan-seared chicken breast, cooked in a little oil with salt and pepper and finished with a generous knob of butter, is the first way I learned to cook chicken breast on the stove and a technique I always go back to.

What is the best oil for pan searing chicken? ›

Searing works best with a heavy-bottomed skillet, such as cast iron, that retains heat well and can go from stove to oven if necessary. To prevent the chicken from sticking to the pan, use a high-heat cooking oil like canola.

How do you not overcook chicken breast in a pan? ›

Even thickness: Pounding the chicken to ¾ inch thick prevents overcooking. If the chicken breast is too thick, it will take much longer for the center to fully cook, resulting in overcooked meat overall. Cook over medium heat to prevent the outside from browning too fast before the center is fully cooked.

Should you pan sear before or after baking chicken? ›

I generally say it's a good idea to bake chicken thighs (that are bone-in) at 375˚F for at least 30-40 minutes, after searing them, to make sure they're completely cooked through.

Will baking chicken at 350 dry it out? ›

When baking wings, we're almost always going for crispy skin, and the pieces are small and cook quickly so the higher temp at 425 is the best bet. For chicken breasts, it's best to go with the lower temp of 350 and keep an eye on the internal temperature of the chicken: white meat will dry out faster than dark meat.

What is the best temperature to cook chicken breast at in the oven? ›

Bake Chicken Breast at 425°F

425°F is the best temperature for baking chicken. The chicken turns golden on the outside and unbelievably juicy inside. At a lower temperature like 350°F, the chicken can dry out, as it will need to be in the oven for a longer period.

How long does it take to cook a chicken breast in the oven at 200 degrees? ›

  1. Heat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Tip a couple of tbsp olive oil into a small roasting tin. ...
  2. Roast for 20-25 mins until the chicken is cooked through – check by poking a knife into the centre of each breast to make sure the juices run clear. Rest for 5 mins before serving.

What's the best way to cook chicken breast so it doesn't dry out? ›

Her suggestion: Place boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a pan in a single layer, cover with a few inches of liquid (water, broth, etc.), add flavorings (spices, salt, herbs, soy sauce, etc.), then bring the liquid just barely to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat so the liquid simmers.

How do you keep chicken tender and moist? ›

Use this guide to whip up succulent chicken every time, even when it's boneless and skinless.
  1. Marinate Your Chicken Breasts and Tenders. ...
  2. Try a Brine for Crispy Chicken Tenders. ...
  3. Be Mindful of the Chicken's Internal Temperature. ...
  4. Add Fat for Richness. ...
  5. Introduce Moisture with a Sauce.
Jan 20, 2021

How do you make chicken not rubbery and tender? ›

Best cooking methods to prevent rubbery chicken
  1. steaming.
  2. boiling/simmering.
  3. slow cooking (with liquid)
  4. stewing.
  5. braising.
  6. sous vide (a combination of dry/moist cooking)
Aug 2, 2021

How do I make my chicken breast juicy again? ›

You can do this by marinating the cooked chicken in a sauce or broth for a while. This can help rehydrate the meat and add some flavor. Just be careful not to over-marinate, as the chicken could become mushy. Steam: Reheating the chicken with steam can help add moisture back into t.


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.