How Weather Affects Your Migraine - Migraine Buddy (2024)

How Weather Affects Your Migraine - Migraine Buddy (1)


As someone who has experienced migraine, I have always been curious about the connection between weather conditions and the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. There have been instances where I noticed a pattern of my migraine occurring during certain weather conditions, leading me to explore the scientific research on this subject. In this article, we will delve into the relationship between weather and migraine, understand the factors that contribute to weather-related migraine, and discuss strategies to manage and prevent them.

Understanding Migraine

Migraine are not just your average headache. They are a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurring moderate to severe headache attacks. The pain is often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and, in some cases, visual disturbances known as auras. Migraine attacks can be debilitating and significantly impact daily activities.

Triggers for Migraine

Migraine attacks can be triggered by various factors, including certain foods, stress, hormonal changes, and even weather conditions. Identifying these triggers is crucial in managing and preventing migraine.

The Relationship Between Weather and Migraine

Based on personal experience and scientific research, it is evident that weather can have a significant impact on migraine attacks. Several studies have linked changes in weather conditions to increased migraine frequency. Various factors contribute to weather-related migraine, including:

Barometric Pressure

Changes in barometric pressure, also known as atmospheric pressure, can trigger migraine in some individuals. When the barometric pressure drops rapidly, such as before a storm, it can cause blood vessels in the brain to expand, leading to a migraine attack.


Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, have been associated with migraine. High temperatures and intense sunlight can trigger migraine in some people, while cold weather and winter migraine are also common.


Humidity, especially high humidity, can be a trigger for migraine attacks. The increased moisture in the air can contribute to feelings of heaviness and discomfort, potentially leading to a migraine attack.

Light Levels

Strong or fluctuating light levels, such as bright sunlight or flashing lights, can trigger migraine in light-sensitive individuals. It is believed that these light changes affect the brain’s electrical activity and contribute to migraine attacks.


Windy conditions can also be a trigger for migraine attacks. Wind can cause irritants like dust, pollen, and other allergens to be more prevalent in the air, potentially triggering a migraine attack in susceptible individuals.

Storms and Weather Fronts

Thunderstorms and changes in weather fronts are commonly associated with migraine attacks. The sudden shifts in atmospheric pressure and electrical activity during storms can trigger migraine attacks in vulnerable individuals.

Recording and Tracking Weather Conditions

To effectively manage weather-related migraine, it is essential to track and record weather conditions during each migraine attack. This allows you to identify triggers, patterns, and correlations, and anticipate and prepare for future attacks. Here are some methods to record and track weather conditions:

Using a Migraine Tracking App

There are several smartphone apps available specifically designed for tracking migraine. These apps allow you to record the date and time of each attack, specific weather conditions, and other potential triggers and factors. They can also provide insights and analytical tools to help you identify patterns and assess the effectiveness of preventive measures.

Keeping a Weather Journal or Log

A traditional method of tracking weather conditions is maintaining a weather journal or log. You can record the date and time of each migraine attack, specific weather conditions, and any other relevant details. This can be useful for individuals who prefer a tangible record and enjoy the process of journaling.

Utilizing Online Weather Resources

Online weather resources, such as weather websites or apps, can provide detailed historical weather data. You can access information about temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and other relevant factors for the specific dates and locations of your migraine attacks.

Collecting Relevant Information

When recording weather conditions during migraine, it is important to collect the following information:

  • Date and time of the migraine attack
  • Specific weather conditions (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, etc.)
  • Other potential triggers and factors (food, stress, hormonal changes, etc.)
  • Severity and duration of the migraine attack
  • Medications and treatments used

Monitoring and Analyzing the Recorded Data

Once you have recorded the weather conditions during your migraine attacks, it is time to analyze the data. By monitoring the recorded information and looking for patterns and correlations, you can identify common weather-related triggers and assess the effectiveness of preventive measures you have implemented. It is also advisable to discuss your findings with healthcare professionals for further guidance.

Managing and Preventing Weather-Related Migraine

While it may not be possible to control the weather, there are strategies you can implement to minimize the impact of weather-related migraine:

Lifestyle Changes

Adopting certain lifestyle changes can help reduce the frequency and severity of weather-related migraine. These include:

  • Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule
  • Managing stress levels through relaxation techniques
  • Staying hydrated
  • Avoiding known triggers, such as certain foods or activities

Environmental Modifications

Modifying your environment can also minimize the impact of weather-related migraine:

  • Using window coverings or wearing sunglasses to block out sunlight
  • Wearing a hat or using an umbrella in bright conditions
  • Monitoring and controlling indoor humidity levels
  • Controlling indoor temperatures to avoid extremes

Medications and Treatments

In cases where lifestyle changes and environmental modifications are not sufficient, medications and treatments can be prescribed by healthcare professionals. These may include:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers for acute episodes
  • Prescription migraine medications for more severe attacks
  • Preventive medications to reduce the frequency of migraine
  • Alternative and complementary therapies, such as acupuncture or biofeedback

Discussing Weather-Related Migraine with Healthcare Providers

It is crucial to share your recorded data and observations with your healthcare provider. By collaborating with them, you can develop a personalized treatment plan that takes into account weather triggers and other factors specific to your condition. Seeking professional advice and guidance is essential for effectively managing and preventing weather-related migraine.


Weather conditions can have a significant impact on migraine attacks. Identifying weather triggers, recording and tracking weather conditions, and implementing lifestyle changes and environmental modifications can help manage and prevent weather-related migraine. Remember to consult with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs.

How Weather Affects Your Migraine - Migraine Buddy (2024)


How does the weather affect migraines? ›

A shift in weather can worsen an existing headache or migraine. For some, weather changes or weather-related triggers can also cause an imbalance in brain chemicals, such as serotonin, prompting a migraine. Other weather-related triggers include dry air, high humidity, wind, and sun glare.

How do you treat weather-related migraines? ›

Weather-related migraine symptoms are treated with the same medications used to treat any attacks. This may include common acute migraine treatments like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, triptans and gepants.

How much of a change in barometric pressure causes headaches? ›

It was found that the atmospheric pressure when the patients developed a migraine was within 1003–1007 hPa in the approach of low atmospheric pressure and that the patients developed a migraine when the atmospheric pressure decreased by 6–10 hPa, slightly less than the standard atmospheric pressure.

What barometric pressure affects migraines? ›

Migraine frequency increased on days when the barometric pressure was lower by 5 hectopascals (hPa) than the previous day. Migraine frequency also decreased on days when the barometric pressure was 5 hPa or higher than the previous day.

Does hot weather make migraines worse? ›

In particular, people with episodic and chronic migraine consistently report worsening migraine symptoms with extreme weather changes, hot or humid weather, and changes in barometric pressure.

Can high pressure weather cause migraines? ›

If you're prone to getting headaches, you could find that grey skies, high humidity, rising temperatures and storms can all bring on head pain. Pressure changes that cause weather changes are thought to trigger chemical and electrical changes in the brain. This irritates nerves, leading to a headache.

What is the best state to live in with migraines? ›

Mostly, that if you suffer from pressure-induced migraines, and you live in the northern U.S. states, you may be able to significantly improve your quality of life by relocating to one of the southern states, especially to southern California or Florida.

What is the best barometric pressure app for migraines? ›

Zutool predicts weather caused health symptoms such as headaches in advance using atmospheric(barometric) pressure charts and push notification. You can easily record pain and medication records, which helps you manage your physical condition.

Why am I so sensitive to barometric pressure? ›

Some people may be more sensitive to weather changes experiencing more stiffness, pain, and swelling with a barometric pressure decline. Scientists suggest that a fall in air pressure allows the tissues (including muscles and tendons) to swell or expand.

How to lower barometric pressure in home? ›

Controlling the air flow from outside to inside is the key to managing negative air pressure indoors. If you don't have proper ventilation, you can try regulating levels by opening windows, using exhaust fans, and avoiding cooking with fuel-induced appliances indoors.

What is the best climate for migraines? ›

Mild California Takes the Cake

Of the 20 best migraine cities in the United States, eight of them are in California. This is most likely due to the lack of thunderstorms, which keeps the barometric pressure steadier than in places with rapidly changing weather.

Where is the best place to live for barometric pressure headaches? ›

So, what does it all mean? Mostly, that if you suffer from pressure-induced migraines, and you live in the northern U.S. states, you may be able to significantly improve your quality of life by relocating to one of the southern states, especially to southern California or Florida.

How long do weather related migraines last? ›

Still others might find that the pain and any other symptoms develop before the weather changes become noticeable. People who have migraine commonly experience: headaches that can last between 4 hours and 3 days. sensitivity to light, sounds, and smells.

Why are my migraines so bad right now? ›

Other known triggers include certain medications, drinking alcohol, especially red wine, drinking too much caffeine, stress. Sensory stimulation such as bright lights or strong smells. Sleep changes, weather changes, skipping meals or even certain foods like aged cheeses and processed foods.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.