Vanadium (V) - Definition, Preparation, Properties, Uses, Compounds, Reactivity (2024)


Vanadium (V) - Definition, Preparation, Properties, Uses, Compounds, Reactivity (1)

Discover the versatile world of Vanadium, a remarkable element that bridges the gap between technology and innovation. This complete guide delves into the essence of Vanadium, highlighting its unique properties, applications, and the pivotal role it plays in modern advancements. From strengthening steel alloys to revolutionizing energy storage in batteries, Vanadium’s impact is profound. Uncover the myriad ways this dynamic element enhances our lives through practical examples, showcasing its significance in today’s fast-paced world.

What is Vanadium?

Vanadium is a tough, silvery-grey metallic element that stands out due to its exceptional characteristics and broad application spectrum. With the atomic number 23. Vanadium is renowned for its impressive strength, ability to resist corrosion, and its role as a hardening agent in steel alloys. Unlike ruthenium, vanadium is more abundantly found in nature and is primarily extracted from magnetite, vanadinite, and other minerals. Additionally, vanadium is pivotal in the production of certain alloys and in the chemical industry as a catalyst for sulfuric acid production. In energy storage, vanadium redox flow batteries are gaining attention for their potential in renewable energy storage solutions, highlighting the element’s versatility and importance in modern technological advancements.

Vanadium Formula

  • Formula: V
  • Composition: Consists of a single vanadium atom.
  • Bond Type: In its elemental form, vanadium does not have bonds as it is a pure element. However, vanadium can form covalent or ionic bonds when reacting with other elements.
  • Molecular Structure: As a pure element, vanadium does not form a molecular structure in the same sense as compounds. At room temperature, vanadium is in a metallic state with a bcc (body-centered cubic) crystalline structure.
  • Electron Sharing: In compounds, vanadium typically shares electrons covalently or transfers electrons ionically, depending on the nature of the other element(s) it is bonding with.
  • Significance: Vanadium is notable for its strength and ability to form stable compounds with various valence states, making it essential in steel alloys for enhanced strength and durability. It is also crucial for its catalytic properties in processes like sulfuric acid production.
  • Role in Chemistry: Vanadium plays a significant role in materials science and catalysis, contributing to the development of high-strength steel alloys, redox batteries, and the chemical industry. Its versatility and ability to exist in multiple oxidation states make it a valuable element in research and industrial applications.

Atomic Structure of Vanadium

Vanadium, with the chemical symbol V and atomic number 23, is a transition metal known for its unique properties and applications. Understanding its atomic structure provides insight into its behavior and uses in various industries.

Core Characteristics

  • Atomic Number (Z): 23, indicating the presence of 23 protons in the nucleus of a vanadium atom.
  • Electronic Configuration: The electrons are arranged in shells around the nucleus, following the pattern [Ar] 3d³4s². This configuration shows that vanadium has five electrons in its outermost shells (two in the 4s subshell and three in the 3d subshell), which are crucial for chemical bonding and reactions.
  • Relative Atomic Mass: Approximately 50.9415 u (atomic mass units), which is the weighted average of the isotopic masses of vanadium’s naturally occurring isotopes.

Subatomic Particles

  • Protons: 23, positively charged particles located in the nucleus.
  • Neutrons: The number of neutrons in vanadium’s nucleus varies among its isotopes, but the most abundant isotope, Vanadium-51, has 28 neutrons.
  • Electrons: 23, negatively charged particles orbiting the nucleus in defined energy levels or shells.

Isotopes: Vanadium primarily exists in nature as Vanadium-51 (stable isotope). There are also several other isotopes with varying numbers of neutrons, exhibiting different stability levels.

Valence Electrons: The valence electrons for vanadium are the five electrons in the 3d and 4s orbitals. These electrons play a pivotal role in chemical reactions and bonding, as they can be lost, gained, or shared with other atoms to form chemical compounds.

Shells and Orbitals: The electron shells of vanadium are filled in the order of increasing energy levels, starting from the closest to the nucleus. Vanadium’s electrons fill the 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, and 3d orbitals, in that sequence, following the principles of electron configuration.

Chemical Bonding: Vanadium can exhibit multiple oxidation states, most commonly +2, +3, +4, and +5. These oxidation states reflect the number of electrons vanadium can donate or share during chemical reactions, leading to a variety of compounds with different properties.

Role in Compounds: Vanadium forms a range of compounds, including oxides, sulfides, and various organometallic compounds. Its ability to exist in multiple oxidation states makes it versatile in catalysis, redox reactions, and as an alloying element to enhance the strength and durability of metals.

Properties of Vanadium

Physical Properties of Vanadium

Below is a table detailing the key physical properties of vanadium, a versatile and valuable metallic element known for its unique combination of durability, malleability, and resistance to corrosion.

Atomic Number23
Atomic Mass50.9415 u
Density6.0 g/cm³ at 20°C
Melting Point1910°C
Boiling Point3407°C
State at Room TemperatureSolid
ColorSilvery-grey metallic
Crystal StructureBody-centered cubic (BCC)
Electrical ConductivityModerate, metallic conductor
Thermal ConductivityGood, facilitating its use in high-temperature applications

Chemical Properties of Vanadium

  1. Oxidation States
    • Description: Exhibits multiple oxidation states, commonly +2, +3, +4, +5.
    • Equation: V → V^2+ + 2e^-
  2. Reaction with Oxygen
    • Description: Forms vanadium oxide, varying based on oxidation state.
    • Equation: 4V + 5O₂ → 2V₂O₅
  3. Reaction with Acids
    • Description: Dissolves in hydrochloric acid, forming vanadium(III) chloride.
    • Equation: V + 6HCl → VCl₃+ 3H₂
  4. Reaction with Alkalis
    • Description: Reacts with alkalis in oxidizing conditions to form vanadates.
    • Equation: V₂O₅ + 2OH^- → 2VO₃^- + H₂O
  5. Formation of Complexes
    • Description: Forms complex ions with ligands, especially in +5 oxidation state.
    • Equation: VO₃^- + H₂O → [VO(OH)₂]^-
  6. Redox Behavior
    • Description: Acts in redox reactions, especially in battery applications.
    • Equation: V^₃+ + e^- → V^₂+

Thermodynamic Properties of Vanadium

Melting Point2183K (1910 °C)
Boiling Point3680K (3407 °C)
Heat of Fusion21.5kJ/mol
Heat of Vaporization459kJ/mol
Specific Heat Capacity24.89J/(mol·K)
Thermal Conductivity30.7W/(m·K)
Thermal Expansion8.4µm/(m·K)

Material Properties of Vanadium

Young’s Modulus128GPa
Tensile Strength690MPa
Hardness (Vickers)628HV
Poisson’s Ratio0.37
Elastic Modulus128GPa

Electromagnetic Properties of Vanadium

Electrical Resistivity197nΩ·m
Magnetic OrderingParamagnetic
Superconducting PointBelow 5.4K
Thermal Conductivity30.7W/(m·K)

Nuclear Properties of Vanadium

Natural IsotopesV-50, V-51
Stable IsotopesV-51
Unstable IsotopesV-50 and others
Abundance in NatureV-50: 0.25%, V-51: 99.75%
Atomic Number23
Neutron Cross Section5.08 barns (for V-51)
Neutron Mass Absorption0.017 (for V-51)
Isotopic MassV-50: 49.94716 u, V-51: 50.94396 u

Preparation of Vanadium

Ore Processing

Vanadium ores are first crushed and ground to liberate the vanadium-bearing minerals from the host rock. The ground ore is then subjected to various processes to increase the concentration of vanadium. This can involve physical methods such as flotation and magnetic separation.

2. Extraction

The concentrated vanadium ore undergoes roasting with sodium carbonate or sodium chloride, which transforms the vanadium into soluble forms. Following roasting, the ore is leached with water or acid, which results in the formation of a vanadium-bearing solution. This solution contains vanadium in the form of vanadates or vanadium oxides.

3. Precipitation

The vanadium is then precipitated from the solution. This can be achieved through various methods, such as adding ammonium sulfate to convert vanadium into ammonium metavanadate (NH_4VO_3), which precipitates out of the solution.

4. Calcination

The precipitated ammonium metavanadate is then calcined (heated) in the presence of air. This process converts the ammonium metavanadate into vanadium pentoxide (V_2O_5), a powdery yellow compound, which is the most commercially significant form of vanadium.

5. Reduction

For applications that require pure vanadium, the vanadium pentoxide is further reduced. This is usually achieved through a process involving aluminum (Al) or silicon (Si) at high temperatures. The reaction reduces the vanadium pentoxide to metallic vanadium.

6. Electrolytic Refining

In some cases, further purification is required, which can be achieved through electrolytic refining. This process involves dissolving vanadium pentoxide in an acid and then applying an electric current to deposit pure vanadium at the cathode.

Final Product

The final product is a pure vanadium metal or vanadium compounds, depending on the intended application. Vanadium is used in various applications, including as an additive in steel to increase its strength and resistance to corrosion and wear, in chemical catalysts, and in batteries.

Chemical Compounds of Vanadium

Vanadium, a transition metal, forms various compounds with distinct properties and applications. Here are six chemical compounds of vanadium, described in brief with their relevant equations:

  1. Vanadium(II) Oxide (VO): A reducing agent used in the production of pure vanadium. It forms by the reduction of vanadium(V) oxide with hydrogen
    Equation: V₂O₅+H₂2VO+H₂O
  2. Vanadium(V) Oxide (V₂O₅): Utilized as a catalyst in the sulfuric acid production process. It is produced by oxidizing vanadium with oxygen
    Equation: 4V+5O₂2V₂O₅
  3. Vanadium(III) Oxide (V₂O₃): Acts as a precursor to other vanadium compounds and is obtained by reducing V₂O₅ with vanadium
    Equation: V₂O₅+V3V₂O₃
  4. Vanadium(IV) Oxide (VO₂): Known for its thermochromic properties, changing from an insulator to a conductor with temperature. It is formed by thermal decomposition of
    Equation:V₂O₅: 2V2O₂4VO₂+O₂
  5. Ammonium Vanadate (NH₄VO₃): Used in the production of vanadium oxides and as a catalyst. It’s synthesized from the reaction of ammonium chloride with vanadium pentoxide
    Equation: 2NH₄Cl+V₂O₅2NH4VO₃+Cl₂
  6. Vanadium Sulfate (V₂(SO₄)₃): Employed in dyeing and printing textiles, it’s made by dissolving vanadium oxides in sulfuric acid

Isotopes of Vanadium

IsotopeSymbolAtomic MassHalf-LifeStabilityNatural Occurrence
48V-4847.9522537Stability: StableStableTrace
49V-4948.9485161Stability: StableStableTrace
50V-5049.9471585Stability: StableStable0.25%
51V-5150.9439595Stability: StableStable99.75%

Note: This table includes the most common isotopes of vanadium, focusing on those that are stable or occur naturally. Vanadium has one stable isotope (V-51) that makes up the majority of natural vanadium. Other isotopes exist but are either synthetic or found in trace amounts.

Uses of Vanadium

Vanadium is a versatile element with a variety of applications due to its unique properties, including strength, resistance to corrosion, and stability at high temperatures. Here are some of the primary uses of vanadium:

  • Steel Additive: Vanadium is added to steel to increase its strength, toughness, and resistance to wear and corrosion. This makes vanadium-steels ideal for use in high-stress applications like construction, automotive parts, and tools.
  • Aerospace Industry: Alloys containing vanadium are used in the aerospace industry for manufacturing airframes and jet engines due to their ability to withstand high temperatures and their structural strength.
  • Chemical Catalyst: Vanadium compounds are used as catalysts in the chemical industry, particularly in the production of sulfuric acid and the synthetic rubber industry.
  • Energy Storage: Vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs) are a type of rechargeable flow battery that utilizes vanadium ions in different oxidation states to store chemical potential energy. VRFBs are used for energy storage applications in power grids, offering the advantage of large-scale energy storage with a long cycle life and rapid response times.
  • Glass and Ceramics: Vanadium oxides are used to produce special glasses and ceramics with enhanced properties like increased resistance to heat and chemical reactions. These materials are used in applications ranging from glass coatings to advanced ceramics in electronics

Production of Vanadium

Vanadium production involves multiple steps from extraction to purification:

  • Extraction
    • Extracted from magnetite iron ores, phosphate rock, vanadium-bearing slag, and fly ash.
  • Processing of Raw Materials
    • Roasting with sodium chloride or sodium carbonate at high temperatures.
  • Leaching
    • Material is leached with water, sulfuric acid, or an alkali to release vanadium.
  • Precipitation and Solvent Extraction
    • Vanadium is precipitated from the solution as ammonium metavanadate (AMV) or pentoxide (V2O5).
  • Refining
    • Further refining to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide, flakes, powders, or alloys.

Applications of Vanadium

Vanadium is utilized in various industries due to its unique properties:

  • Steel Production
    • Used as an additive to improve steel’s strength, toughness, and wear resistance.
  • Aerospace Industry
    • Alloys containing vanadium are essential for jet engines, airframes, and other aerospace components.
  • Catalysis
    • Vanadium pentoxide acts as a catalyst in sulfuric acid production and the manufacturing of maleic anhydride.
  • Energy Storage
    • Utilized in vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs) for large-scale energy storage solutions.
  • Chemical Industry
    • Used in ceramics, glass production, as pigments, and as catalysts in various chemical reactions

vanadium plays a critical role across various industries, notably in strengthening steel and in energy storage solutions. Its intricate extraction and refinement process underscores the metal’s value and versatility. As we advance, the efficient production and innovative applications of vanadium will continue to be pivotal in meeting global technological and material science challenges

Vanadium (V) - Definition, Preparation, Properties, Uses, Compounds, Reactivity (2024)


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